Frank Gregorsky has lived in northern Virginia for most of the time since 1979. While working in Seattle as a Discovery program manager, Frank edited the book Speaking of George Gilder (Discovery Institute Press, 1998).
Finally, a Gilder book for those of us who want to get right to the point! From tapes, transcripts, and corporate conclaves, you get the spoken wit and wisdom of George Gilder — on money and morals, technology and telecom. It’s all here, and it’s easy to use. A little over a third of Speaking of George Gilder consists of speeches and a previously unreleased 12,000-word interview. The rest is quotes — mainly short ones — organized “topically.” And this is not a rework of George’s books and magazine articles. Even George’s most loyal readers will not have seen most of what’s in this book. That’s because the contents of Speaking consist overwhelmingly of his spoken words — from magazine interviews, radio and TV …